Sunday, February 7, 2010

Your Occupation?

“Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs... since the payment is pure love.” -Mildred B. Vermont

This past weekend, I was reminded of how special the title of "Mom" is. I love the hugs, the trust, and the responsibility that I have to raise my children. I smile at the fact that Cooper has learned so much and the lessons will only continue as he grows.

So this weekend, Aubrey spiked a fever on Saturday morning. Because of the test results from her recent VCUG (that costs an arm and a leg apparently to our new insurance....that's another story for another day!), and since she had been congested for about 5 days already, we decided to take her in to see the doctor. Sadly enough I was hoping for an ear infection so that we would not have to visit the Children's Hospital to get labs run again. Sure enough though we were sent over to the hospital to have a urinalysis lab, rsv lab, and a flu test done.

We waited for a bit to have the labs run, so we were sitting in the waiting area. There was a mom there with her two boys (one who was under a year old and the other looked to be about 3). During the 20 -30 minutes of waiting, I never once heard a positive remark come out of the mothers mouth to her 3 year old son. She was constantly on him about how she had told him to sit down and stay still (yeah right for a 3 year old) and that he needed to keep him money in his pocket and stop dropping it (again, she had no toys for him....what was he supposed to do?).

It took all I had to not get up and go say a few remarks to that mother. How sad it was that she could not realize that all her son was doing was trying to get some attention (ANY ATTENTION!). I also felt so bad for the mother that she could not step back and see that children thrive on LOVE yet die inside on negativity!

Instead of giving her a few remarks, I sat there hugging and kissing Aubrey while praying for that mother. In the end, Aubrey's lab results came back negative and she was back to her normal self the next day. While it was a "waste of time" in my head at that time to be sitting there, I know God put me there to stop my life and pray for that mother and her children.

I love my you cherish your occupation as well?

Life is Good and God is Great!

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