Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Aubrey

1 Year Ago Today
One year ago today at 3:44pm, our hearts grew even more at the sight of you. You came into this world with wide eyes and chunky rolls. You were 8lbs, 13oz (my big baby), 21 inches long and full of spunk already with your mo-hawk hairdo!

You were chunky, loud, and bright red (so healthy). You were alert, hungry, and knew how to nurse from the beginning. What an amazing feeling it was to have you in my arms. I cried as they handed you to me. I am so thankful that I was able to feel and understand a lot more of my emotions. You cried too, as all babies are supposed to. You calmed down when Daddy held your finger while they took all of your stats. You already had him wrapped around your finger.
Your first introduction to Cooper was amazing. He was so excited to play with you and share his “Diego” toys and trucks with you. He wasn’t quit sure why you just laid there with your eyes closed though! He soon found out that it was great to have a sleeping, happy baby rather than the alternative!

Being the second child is great, lucky duck! We (Mom and Dad) were (and are) much more relaxed this time around since we know that we have done an awesome job already with raising Cooper. He survived and so would you. This new relaxed state helped to relax the whole house as well. You were a happy baby who rarely cried….except to eat! When you were 6 weeks old we realized that you were tongue tied. Since we didn’t know much about this subject, we found a great pediatric dentist to help us through it. 5 seconds later you were nursing again and this time you meant business. At first I was worried that you would not be as attached to nursing as I had hoped for. Now, as we near your first birthday, I see that the end is still a ways away….and I am SUPER happy about that! I know that once the nursings are gone, my snuggle time with you will be less and less as you are already ready to be on the move.
You were and are such a laid back baby. You roll with the flow, sleep when you can, eat when you want, and enjoy experiencing new things. What a blessing you have been to the family. You started rolling over super early. This was good and bad, but it was nice to see your excitement when you would roll. I was amazed to see how aware of your motions you were. We knew early on that you are a fast learner.

When you were 3 months old, I found myself back at the hospital with you. You had a high fever and no ear infection. I was almost certain what the outcome would be, and wouldn’t you know that I was correct! Stage 2 double bladder reflux. God was and continues to watch over you though. You have yet to have another infection, even though all medical books say that you should. Your blood counts are great as well; what a wonderful relief.
I remember people telling me that the first 3-4 months of two kiddos would be tough. “Relay naps”, multiple nursings, juggling two crying kiddos at once….they weren’t kidding! I’m sure most people looked at me with a look of sympathy. Some probably even understood the crazy life that I was living….but it is all worth it! The day that you took a nap at the same time as Brother was a turning point! I knew that we would survive….some how!

Many of the “trials” that we went through with Brother, we decided to not even venture near this time around.
  • Sleeping in bed? Yes, in fact it still happens on a nightly basis and that’s okay!
  • Nursing? Absolutely, and will keep on nursing until you decide that it’s time to stop!
  • Eating solid foods? Sure, if you want, but I know that you are still receiving great nutritional value from my milk, and that’s all that matters!
I am so thankful that you are who you are. Our life is full of joy and fun.
You are a FAST crawler! I am sure that if we entered you into a competition for crawlers, you could be one of the top contenders. You are attempting to take steps on your own. In fact, you are walking a lot these days. We have now entered a new stage where I get to chase two walking/running kiddos! You say plenty of words these days as well. (Dada, Mama, Bubba, Ball, Book, Up) You even blow the best kisses as you say “night night” or bye. You are our trash finder too. Now if we can only work on showing you how to throw it in the trashcan rather than putting it in your mouth! You make great car sounds as you play with Brother and his cars. You are so sweet when holding and hugging your baby. You love the water. I’m sure that you could live in the water. You dance for bath time and love to “read” your books; one day hopefully we can finish a book…or at least make it past the first page!
Your food groups amaze me. In no particular order, they are paper, crayons, rocks, dirt, and chalk. I have been tempted to fill a plate with those items for dinner or better yet, put your real food on the floor to make you think they are similar to your favorite items to eat. A lot of things are now a game. You put a piece of paper in your mouth, open it to show me, and then take it out before I get to you. You then follow this with great laughter that again makes me smile and laugh as well!
You rush to the door every day when Daddy gets home from work. You reach up and are ready for him to hug and love on you. You are feisty. This is both good and challenging, but either way, we will always be thankful for who God has made you. That being said, I have not figured out how we will correct you. You laugh every time I tell you to not bite, hit, or touch that. Your laughter brings me back to smiles even in the most trying times. God is good. I’m sure that you will soon find me with my nose in a new book on dealing with wonderful kiddos like you!

Your smile can brighten anyone’s day. From very early on, any time we went anywhere, people would comment on how beautiful you are (and it’s so true!). You smile at anyone. You’ve even made a few older men break into a smile at your sweet grin and “high five” wave.
You love anything and everything that Brother has, plays with, or eats. I’ve decided that as a second child, it is your responsibility to keep me on my toes with redirecting you to another part of the room away from Cooper’s awesome block tower. It’s almost more of a race to see who can get there faster….and sometimes you win! Playtime with Cooper is awesome. I love to hear both of you laugh and giggle while tickling each other or giving each other raspberries! You have now begun the wrestling stage. This should be very interesting!
You are Daddy’s power wheels girl! Anytime you see one, you want to get on and go. Your smile is as wide as your face when you are zooming on an ATV with me. You have no fear and are always ready to take a chance. I pray that you always have these characteristics! You are full of energy; some days I wish you would share some energy with me!

You love your friends. It is so amazing to see the excitement in your face when you recognize your friends. I love that even at your young age, you enjoy spending time with friends.
As this next year begins, you will experience many great, new adventures. You will be starting Mother’s Day Out soon! I know that you will love it and thrive there just as Cooper did (after the initial separation anxiety of course). You will begin to walk and run at all times. This should be a fun stage for all of us. I know that your curiosity will expand beyond anyone’s measures and this excites me. Seeing the expressions on your face makes it all worth while.
You, our wonderful daughter, have brought smiles to many faces, especially ours. I pray that you will continue to have a happy heart, a loving spirit, and a feisty spunk throughout this next year of life.

So here’s to you, Aubrey Elaine Smith, Happy 1st Birthday!

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