Friday, July 18, 2008

Our First ER Visit

Today was our first visit to the ER for Cooper. It is definately something that we will try to keep from becoming a habit!

Cooper did not hurt himself, fall down wrong, or swallow something he shouldn't have. Instead, he had been throwing up for a day already and had a really high fever. He couldn't keep anything down and was pretty cranky (and no one blamed him!). After seeing the doctor on Friday, she advised me to take Cooper to the Children's Hospital for some lab word and also to re-hydrate him. At the hospital they have a seperate service called "Kid's Express", it's different from the ER in that there are no traumas, just kids that need labs, shots, or casts put on.

Cooper did remarkably well. He cried (a lot) but then again so did Mommy and Daddy! He already seems to be doing better from the antibiotics and the fluids that they gave him through the IV.

On a lighter note though, Randell and I found humor and smiles through the pain. Cooper even laughed and played in the bed.

Here are some of the things we laughed at.....

When talking about the possibilities of Cooper having a UTI, Randell said
"We don't like the University of Texas Infection, it can lead to some nasty things!"

Towards the end of our stay there, I looked and Cooper and told him he looked pale. Randell's response
"Cooper, just tell her well you look like a bucket!"

It's always good to be able to laugh in trying times.

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