Thursday, September 11, 2008

It feels like Friday!

I've decided to try and keep this thing updated on a more regular basis. I may (please re-read the word MAY!) try to even post on here daily, but there are NO PROMISES!!!!

So today feels completely like a Friday to me. In the 16 months of being a SAHM I have barely remembered what the date is not to mention what day it is to begin with. I was good at knowing it was Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday because Friday would be when Randell would be coming home early; Sat and Sun Randell would be here with us; and Monday is when Randell returns to work and it's back to Cooper and myself!

Now that I'm working at Mother's Day Out though, I've had to become aware of the days of the week! It's amazing that when I lead the 4 year olds in singing the "Days of the Week" song, I almost got it wrong the first couple of times! I guess that's when you know you've been out of the loop for too long.

Today was a long day it seems. I'm so happy that Cooper is transitioning so well into his class at Mother's Day Out. The teachers LOVE him and he doesn't even cry anymore when I drop him off! I love it. I'm happy he gets the interaction with the other children and is learning so much. Me on the other hand.....WOAH! I didn't realize that 4 year olds can be such a handful for an entire day. Well, okay it's only 5 hours...but that seems like an entire day!

I have a handful of kids that returned to MDO for the 2nd or 3rd year. So they are pretty well accustomed to what goes on. We don't have any cry'ers in our class (YIPPEE!!!), but we have a few that are either:
a) tattle-tellers
b) VERY ROUGH even when trying to be gentle
c) VERY ACTIVE (and I mean can't sit still for more than 30 seconds!)

I've learned a lot already and it's only day 4 (week 2). I've learned to devert the tattle-tellers, use time out for the very rough and active (it works SO WELL!), and to breathe every once in a while.

I am ready for the weekend.

Now if only we could get some rain (and I'm talking 3-4 inches would be nice) from Hurricane Ike. It doesn't look too promising, but my fingers are crossed.

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