Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Deal of the Day!

Wow a whole week has past by and I haven't blogged....sorry!

To sum up our week....GREAT weather + a rested child = a happy MOM!

Today was full of great deals and fun times. We began the day by driving around a community wide garage sale. It was amazing! We were having a rough time finding the deals that we wanted (why do people ask for 3 times what a piece of junk is really worth?). So after becoming slightly disappointed, we stumbled upon a garage sale that was run by an older dad who was talking with his 2 teenage boys about swords and dragon computer games. I was hesitant at first to even look around, but then I saw a PERFECT buy. I'm not too great at the negotiating part of garage sale shopping. I normally ask how much something is and then say "Oh that's a awesome", pay what they ask and then get to the truck where Randell asks if I talked them down on the price.

So I had my game face on. I was prepared to put up a hard bargain with these sword fighting salesmen. I asked how much the toddler portable booster seat was, prepared to only offer $5 for it. The father walks towards it and says "Oh...(I just knew that he was going to say $8)....50 cents. 50 cents!!! Are you kidding me....I didn't even know what to say, except YES!!! So then after being so thrilled I decided to continue looking around in the millions of boxes of PURE JUNK that was for sale and found a brand new nalgene sports water bottle. Again, I was prepared to negotiate. His answer with the price....50 cents!

So I thanked him SO MUCH for being such a great garage sale man, all the while knowing that he was going to make NOTHING off of his boxes of junk if he sold things for only 50 cents.

We also ended up finding a neat chalk board table and toddler bed for Cooper's big boy room.

A summation of the rest of the day....the Aggies lost, we had a bbq with great friends over, and played hard. What a great (well besides the Aggies loosing) day it's been.

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