Friday, September 12, 2008

Where is the Rain?

Isn't it amazing how it seems as if things that you want to happen go the other way some times? Take Hurricane Ike for example. I know that there are a lot of people who are happy Ike turned more north and east, but there are also people like us that REALLY wanted to rainy weekend from it. It looks as if we are going to be left dry from any of it.

When we lived in College Station we were comfronted with the same thing. Hurricane Rita was headed right towards Houston and we were going to get a direct hit from it with winds and rain. We woke up that morning ready to hunker down with our 6 cases (4 gallons in each) of bottled water, a fridge packed with beer, and the makings for margaritas (Hence the theme "Margaritas for Rita"). What we found was no rain, no storm, but "maybe" some winds. So we then turned our focus to buying kites to fly in the "TS force winds". After finding no kites in the town of College Station we went back home to once again find the weather man saying that we were getting none of it!

I would never argue with the thought that you shouldn't wish to go through a hurricane. I completely agree with that statement, but the rain is always welcome at our house! We LOVE the rain.

So for everyone in the destructive path of Ike, I'm sorry! I tried to pray Ike this direction. Do you think you could send some rain our way though....that would be GREAT!

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