Wednesday, January 21, 2009

9 weeks - 31 to go!

I am getting into my ninth week of this pregnancy and have already had my ups and downs. Mood swings have happened, but I'm sure not to the intensity as they will within the next 31 weeks!

I don't seem to have "morning sickness", instead it's an "all afternoon into evening" sickness! If I can be in bed by 8, then I'm normally doing great. Eating dinner is hit or miss. I'm actually going to attempt cooking meat tonight to see how well I can take it! Randell has been GREAT with cooking and cleaning in the evenings.

I have not gained weight. Instead I think because of my lack of appetite throughout the day, I've now lost about 8 pounds. I'm not too sure how my Midwife will react to that next week, but I can probably safely assure her that I will gain all of it back PLUS another 40lbs most likely!

On a "funny/sad" note....the other day I had a mom from MDO come up to me and say "Oh how cute, you're already showing!" I wanted to punch her! I wanted to say "I'm only 8 weeks along! This is just Cooper weight that's never gone away." Instead I smiled and said thanks, even though I was brewing inside. As if she didn't remember with her kids, a baby at 9 weeks is the size of a lima bean! Moms that have gained enough weight to show by then need to be put on a diet! I know that I'm not showing and if others think that my skinny self is showing, well then so be it!

I go see the Midwife next Wed. I'm very excited. We'll get to hear the heartbeat for the first time.

On a different positive note. We took Cooper to his regular appointment with the hematologist a few weeks ago to see where his WBC counts were at. The counts came back at a 2.1 (normal range is 2-7.8). This is the FIRST time we've had a count this high since we found out about his neutropeania. We'll be going back to the doctor for yet another test on Feb 2nd. We're staying positive that his counts will continue to increase and that it wasn't just an illness!

1 comment:

The Martin Family said...

yay! i'm so glad you updated! i hope you feel better soon. this time around i had all day, all night sickness but sea bands worked well for me to take the edge off, anyway i hope all goes well for cooper on feb 2! can't wait to hear how the midwife appt goes :)