Monday, March 2, 2009

A Quick Update

A quick update from the Smith Household:

I am 14 and a half weeks along. I still can't do that well with food yet. It's not that I'm throwing it up, but nothing sounds good, looks good, or tastes good to me. I keep trying to push food down me but I don't think I'm doing a great job of it. I have to date gained 3-4 pounds after loosing 9 in the beginning. I'm sure my Midwife will not be too thrilled, but again I CAN'T eat!

Cooper's growing, talking, and becoming much more of a fun toddler. He is able to communicate almost all of the time. The potty training is going really well. We have a potty chart that has stickers ALL over it these days. He's still in diapers, but I have a strong feeling that come this summer we'll be done with diapers for a month or so!

We have gone back to the specialist concerning his WBC and unfortunately found out that the count has plummeted right back down. Cooper's still healthy, so we are continuing our bi-monthly trip to the specialist for a finger prick.

Randell still has a job! YEAH!!! His company went through another round of layoffs about a month ago. Please keep him and his company in your prayers. It's a wonderful blessing that he works for such an amazing company and we'd really like to keep it that way.

We've posted new pictures to the site. Go and check them out!

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