Tuesday, June 2, 2009

27 Weeks

WOW! I am so amazed at how fast this pregnancy has gone. I know once I get to the last 4 weeks it will seem as if it is dragging, but it's amazing that I'm already 27 weeks along.

We have decided to go with a Doula for this birth. We had thought of taking a Bradley Method Course and then being on our own with our midwife during the L&D. After talking with the midwife, she recommended that the course wouldn't be as beneficial to us as a doula would be. We interviewed a few of the doulas in the area and found a GREAT doula. She is a wonderful Godly woman who believes in allowing the female body to do what it needs to do to birth a baby. She is also not going to yell at me if I end up insisting on an epidural, ALTHOUGH she knows how strongly we feel against any meds during L&D and is prepared to get me through it. We meet with her again next week.

We're also going to take a few cool courses from a Maternity store in town that are offered for free. Those should be fun and interesting. Other than that, the baby continues to be low, she lays, sits, kicks on my bladder 24/7. I really feel that effect of going to the bathroom and then not even 10 minutes later questioning if I went to the bathroom recently because I just HAVE to go again.

Cooper's doing great as usual. He's talking up a storm. We went for his two yr appointment yesterday and the doctor was HIGHLY impressed at his communication and behavior (of course he didn't have a tantrum there!) Although she was impressed with how well he handled her poking and checking him all over. He didn't cry and was actually more curious about the instruments she was using.

Little things that he is doing that amazes me:

*when we drive by his MDO, he says "School Mommy, School" as if to tell me that we need to go to school b/c we haven't been in a while!
*he said "I Love You" today to me without any prompting...it was so sweet
*he gets on to the dogs for me all the time, especially when they are barking!
*this last weekend we had some friends over and their family. They have a 5 month old baby and Cooper did amazing with him. He would put a blanket on him and even insisted the he take his paci, even when the baby spit it right back out.

We go to see the midwife tomorrow. I think this month I have gained the MOST weight! EEK!

1 comment:

The Martin Family said...

so exciting you still look soooo good!!