Monday, June 22, 2009

30 Weeks.....eek!

Today I had my 30 week appointment with the midwife. It was a great appointment as usual. I'm doing fine and so is the baby, which is always a great thing to hear.

I am 3 pounds shy of my ending weight with Cooper...Lord help us all! ALTHOUGH...Baby Girl is also measuring at 32 (equivalent to 32 weeks), not just 30! The midwife's prediction is that she will be bigger than Cooper was. That makes since though, this labor and delivery I want no medications, so it just fits that I have a bigger baby! :)

She is already head down....way way down. The midwife doesn't see much possibility of her turning into a breech position which is great news. Who knows, maybe since she's so low she will come at about 38 weeks and not 42 weeks!

We went and visited my family in Ft. Worth this past week. There are some great pictures posted (click on The Smiths under that Photo section). I realized on our way home that I should not be in a car anymore for long periods of back hurt, I was have BH contractions and was worn out! So, from now until the baby gets here we are not going to be traveling.

Cooper's doing great. He had lots of fun with his cousins and is still talking about them. Today is actually the first day of him sleeping in his Big Boy Bed for nap time! He did very well with going down easily and such.

1 comment:

Beaver said...

What a nice find, your blog! I've added you to my list that I'll read often! No pressure.

I can't believe you're 30 weeks already! I feel like you just got your BFP! Time is flying!