Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Enjoying the Family

Aubrey is 4 weeks old! WOW...that has already flown by so fast. It's been my goal to cherish EVERY moment...even the cranky ones with Aubrey. She is such a great baby. We have been having some great nights of sleep lately which is nice. We're still working towards a schedule but I'm in no hurry right now. It's nice to know that one day a schedule will come just as it did with Cooper at 6 months!

Cooper continues to do very well with all of the adjustments. The one thing that has become more frequent are the "drama" that is added to a trip or small fall...or when we say it's time to go in. I can't decide if this is baby related or MDO related. Yes, he started "school" (mothers day out) last week and has done SO well with it. He's even napping for the teachers on a nap mat (my baby is all grown up). He has a lot of fun. This morning it was beautiful weather so we walked to school. I pushed him in the jogging stroller and wore (in the bjorn) Aubrey. It was a great 2 mile walk and Cooper really enjoyed it. I think it will become part of our MDO routine.

I have become very much into crafts. I have a great group of ladies that get together 2 Wednesdays a month to sit around, chat, and do crafts together. I'm starting with making magnet boards for the kids and then I'll be working on fun Christmas gifts for the kids and family.

Randell and I will be joining a running club (really just a group of friends with kids) soon. I am determined to train for the half marathon and I think I might have convinced Randell to do the same!

That's about it for now. More to come...I'm going to work on writing down all of the funny things Cooper does because I seem to forget when it comes time to blog!

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