Monday, August 31, 2009

Aubrey's 2 Weeks Old!

I am completely amazed that Aubrey is now 2 weeks old. It's amazing to think of what has been accomplished now in two weeks....well not a lot of cleaning, BUT I'm managing two kids on my own while Randell is at work....that's a great accomplishment.

Both Aubrey and I had our 2 weeks check ups today. Aubrey's checkup went great. She is weighing 9lbs 4 oz and grew 2 and a half inches (22.5inches long). I had been a slight bit worried that she wasn't nursing enough since she loves to sleep, but apparently what she is getting to doing GREAT work!

My checkup also went very well. I have lost close to 30 pounds in 2 weeks...WOW! Randell asked me the other day what it felt like to drop 30 pounds in just a few answer, GREAT, I'm not pregnant anymore! :) I still can't fit into pre-pregnancy clothes, but I'm thinking once I get the go ahead to start exercising again that all the extra weight will just fall right off.

Cooper LOVES Aubrey. He gets very concerned with her when she is crying and will go tell her "It's okay Baby Sister". He also is a great helper with diaper changes and likes to "carry" her around (with our assistance).

Randell is also adjusting well. I think the hardest part for him has been having to wake up multiple times in the night when Aubrey wakes up. He is such a hard sleeper that it can sometimes take 5 minutes for him to become aware of what is going on.

Our life hasn't become totally crazy yet though, I'm still waiting for that day to come!


Beaver said...

I can't believe it's been two weeks either! Congratulations on your new baby girl, and congratulations on surviving with two kids. :)

The Martin Family said...

i was so nervous about the eating thing too cause all paisley did was sleep she MAYBE ate 6 times a day, now that she is older its starting to change...but she is still the sweetest most laid back baby ever! thank goodness because her big brother is still running the show!