Wednesday, August 5, 2009

All - Most - There!

Most days lately I am irritable, moody, and swollen. Today I get to add having an achy back to the list and a headache! My patience has begun to run REALLY thin too. But in all, I'm so happy that I'm still pregnant! :) The goal date is August 7th. I will be 37 weeks then and can deliver a healthy baby without the big fear of the nurses rushing her off to the NICU. I'm also trying to enjoy the pregnancy as much as I can right now since this could be the last time I'm ever pregnant. I'm also working REALLY hard on loving on Cooper in his moments of craziness as I know he can sense changes coming.

We went to the Midwife on Monday and here is the update. We got a bonus ultra sound which shows that the baby is weighing 7lbs 1 oz. Obviously there is a margin of error with those measurements, but if they are close to exact then this could mean that I'll be delivering a big baby! The midwife also measured my belly and said (sadly) to me that I'm already measuring close to 39-40 weeks....I was only 36 weeks at the appointment! I'm finally getting my first stretch marks too on my more reason why I'd love to go ahead and deliver soon!

We meet with the doula tomorrow. I think beginning tomorrow we'll begin a lot of natural induction methods to help stimulate labor, if my body is ready for labor that is. If not, then we'll be sitting back and waiting!