Sunday, August 9, 2009

37 Weeks!!!!

It is officially safe to deliver...did you hear me BGS? :) I am SO ready to carry BGS in my arms rather than in my uterus. I'm so happy that she is content, big, and on the other hand....I'm just big!

I have been feeling more and more "pains" which get my hopes up, but then they go away and nothing seems to be sticking to a good rhythm yet. I've begun taking Evening Primrose Oil to possibly help get the cervix ready to deliver and I'm back in full swing of working least walking as much as I can. Tomorrow begins my daily visit to the gym.

In Cooper news....I thought he was regressing with his potty training. Last week was a difficult week for pooping for Cooper. We went through 3 days of accidents in his undies which is the most we've had in the 3 weeks of potty training. I think it upset him more than it did me. In fact, I wasn't really upset, I was just tired of running him up and down the stairs to the potty so that he could try and go (our two story house has NO bathroom downstairs....a mistake we won't make in our next house!). I found the root of the problem....and solved it with plenty of fruit and juice. It's nice to know that it wasn't regression per say as much as pure constipation.

In fact, Cooper pretend played the CUTEST thing ever this evening. After dinner he went to play with the garden owl which had been brought inside (long story). He took the owl to the place where Cooper's little potty normally is, sat him down, and instructed him to "make the water move" (go pee-pee). He then rolled the "door" (my yoga ball) in front of the owl and waited for the owl to be done. At the time that the owl had made the water move, Cooper flushed the pretend toilet. We were amazed....

THEN after playing a little with other toys, Cooper went and got his baby doll (another long story) and said that she needed to go "poo-poo". He took her to the same spot that the owl had sat previously, put the "door" in front of her and instructed her "5 minutes baby" (we tell Cooper to sit for 5 minutes if he has said he needed to go but won't once we get to the toilet) and then said "go poo-poo"! This went on for about 10 minutes because Randell and I were laughing SO hard!

I am amazed at everything that he is processing and understanding these days. It is a little scary to hear my words coming out of his mouth though.

We're praying BGS gets here before next Friday (the 14th)....pray with us PLEASE!

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