Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's been too long!

Where has the time gone? It has been too long since I've posted anything.

Let's see....Aubrey is about to turn 3 months old on the 17th! WOW...that went fast. She is still doing well. At her 2 month check up she weighed a little over 13lbs, putting her in the 90th percentile for weight! YAY! She's not as chunky as Cooper was though. I've been told that it's because she is trying to keep her "girlish" figure. She continues to add more rolls though each week...I love it! She rolled over about 3 weeks ago. Since then though she seems to have no interest in that matter. She has recently gained a dislike for the carseat (yipee for us), has been going through another growth spurt (boo for many night feedings), and likes to wake up earlier due to the time change (what can I say, we have a lot of early birds in this house!).

Cooper is now officially a 2 and a half year old. He has definitely gained a strong independent mindset. He likes to do things himself, which is fun to watch. It's neat to seem him grow in such a positive way and learn so much. He is very observant these days which I know he got from me (I'm a people watcher). School (Mothers Day Out) is going SO well for him. He loves his teachers and they love him. He comes home telling us what they learned about that day which is fun to here. He is so excited to learn new things which makes me happy....we will have an eager learner on our hands.

It's November 15th and we now have our Christmas lights up outside. Yes, I know it's early...but that's what happens when our neighbors put theirs up and Cooper fell in love with them! It was a lot of fun watching Randell and Cooper hang the lights. Now when should we put up our tree?!?! (Don't worry, we're not the first on our street to do that either. Our good friends and neighbors just put their Christmas Tree up today).

I'm doing lots of crafts these days. I am looking forward to having both kids sleeping at the same time for a good length of time so that I can get some sewing done. For now though the nights are full of sewing.

We are looking forward to the holiday season. This year will be lots of fun since Cooper is getting excited about celebrating Jesus's Birthday.

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