Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This is far too familiar!

I remember talking with Cooper's old Pedi Urologist on the phone asking why it was so necessary for him to have another invasive VCUG done when he had had no complications with UTI's or Kidney infections. I remember ending the conversation thinking that the urologist was some sort of "Ego-Centered" person, honestly! He had made one comment to me that bothered me:

"Well, since Cooper has reflux then your baby (I was pregnant at the time) has a 1/3 chance of having reflux as well."

Now this sentence bothered me because he didn't want to look at the positive side of it, that the baby could have a 2/3 chance of NOT having reflux, but instead wanted to scare me into the thought of "what if's".

Isn't that how most of the medical world is. I feel that they are always looking at health, life, and death as such a negative topic. Why is it for example that birth is such an "AWFUL experience" and the only thing that some OB's and nurses talk about is the pain of childbirth? Childbirth is a wonderful time when you are welcoming your baby into the world...it's not supposed to be scary and horrible. I think we could all use a more positive spin on health and medicine and how the two should HELP each other, not hurt each other.

SO....all that to say that Aubrey ended up with a UTI a few months back. Part of me wishes I wasn't an aware parent who recognized this and got her to the doctor (although I'm very happy that I am an educated, informed, and responsible mother). After debating with the pedi if I REALLY thought we should do the VCUG on Aubrey, I finally agreed to it. It was awful, there's no way of putting that nicely. It's just an awful test. And the results were not that great either.

When the Radiologist began explaining what I was seeing, I went right back to remembering seeing it for the first time when we had Cooper's VCUG done. She explained everything as if she had it memorized from all of the patients who end up having reflux. It was far too familiar. Aubrey has Grade 2 Bilateral Bladder Reflux. To me this means that we get to add one more thing to the list to debate about with the pediatrician! Good thing she knows my thoughts about invasive medicine. She will most likely out grow it just like Cooper has probably already outgrown his (I wouldn't know, I nicely declined all of the attempts to re-test him).

All this to say....BE POSITIVE! Things happen for a reason. You might not know the reason, but who cares....God is still in control! There is ALWAYS a reason, even if it was just so that you could be a witness with the smile on your face and your 5 month olds face to the person sitting next to you in the waiting room that day. There is ALWAYS a GOOD reason for things to happen, because God is in control!

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