Sunday, January 31, 2010

To Be Happy or Not?

Tonight is A's first night in her crib. Yes, I know she's 5 and a half months old....but I LOVE LOVE LOVE her being in bed with us! I love knowing that she is safe and feels safe sleeping right next to us. Cooper slept in our bed till he was 6 months old, so we are right on track with A. Honestly, I think she could sleep in our bed for a lot longer than C, except for one thing....she rolls around like crazy!

So today we began naps in the crib. Honestly she is such an easy sleeper and child that it doesn't take much to put her in her crib, or anywhere else for that matter. It is completely opposite from what we did with C (bouncing, swaying, back patting....forever!).

Tonight we decided to try the crib out and see how long she would sleep. Well, it's been almost 2 hours and she's still sleeping very well. I'm almost sad that she hasn't woken up yet. And truthfully, I can see myself bringing her into our room for the rest of the night!

She's also eating cereal and bananas now. I used to think (and still do) that baby food in general is not needed. There is NO nutritional value in them and C hated the thought of eating anything else but the liquid GOLD that I produced! Again, different baby though....A reaches for our food, plates, cups, etc all the time. She is so excited to eat her cereal. We even brought back the "singing and dancing" routine that we used to do to get C to open his mouth for food. We had a ton of fun and C joined in on the dancing!

It is such a blessing to watch them interact more and more these days. There are more "No, Aubrey, that is my toy" or "Aubrey, you're too little for that" and "It's okay Aubrey, I'm right here."

Life is Great and God is Good! (now to check on A) :)

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