Sunday, May 30, 2010

It Has begun

A few weeks ago, C came home saying "whatever, whatever, whatever" to EVERYTHING! So, we had a talk about how we don't use that word really around the house because it is not a good word to use...I don't need him to already be saying "whatever" when I ask him to do something.

Fast forward to two days ago, I am talking on the phone and ended up saying "whatever." C was right there and looked up at me and said, "Mommy, we do not say whatever in this house. It is not nice," in a very serious tone. Oh has begun.

A quick update for those who follow us....

*We still live a crazy life! :)
*We enjoy every bit of it!
*Cooper finished MDO for the year and now has the summer off to play and maybe sleep in....could it happen?
*Aubrey is working on her 6th tooth! Yes, it's been crazy, but we're getting through it.
*Aubrey just might be walking before her 1st birthday...she's pretty steady on her feet.
*I will begin working at MDO next year teaching the 2 year olds. I am very excited to get back into the MDO program...Aubrey will also be going to MDO and I am sure she will have a ton of fun.

Life is Good, God is Great!

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