Sunday, July 18, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Fun in the Sun.....and water.....and SAND! Sand everywhere! That's right, we went down to the beach earlier this month and had a blast.

Cooper enjoyed playing in the sand and swimming in the "pool" area of the bay. He was not a fan of the waves and would NOT even put a toe where they would come up to. While we were swimming in the "pool" area of the bay, Cooper was jumping off the wall into my arms. At one point I was putting him back on the wall, and a crab swam up between me and the wall. Now, this was not one of those little crabs that scurries along the sand. No, no....this was a BIG crab! It was technically not "scary", although I had a reaction of shock which sent Cooper into hysterics! He had no desire to jump back into that area.

On top of this incident, he was the target of a seagull's poo....we tried to not make a big deal of it, but it was pretty darn funny. Soon after this, Randell found some baby shrimps and went to put them into the mote that they had built in the sand. Cooper, who had already been through an eventful day, was not too excited about seeing shrimp.

All in all though, Cooper enjoyed his time at the beach. Even Aubrey loved the sand, water, and sun. I hope you enjoy the pictures , check them out by clicking on the link to your right.

Life is Good, God is Great

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