Monday, July 26, 2010

One Frightening Moment

We pull up to a parking spot at our regular HEB. Not too many cars are out in the lot since it's only about 8:30 in the morning. I get out, get Cooper out and while he is standing next to me, an older man (I would say gentleman, but he proved otherwise very quickly....he does not deserve that title) walked by commenting on how cute Cooper was. At that moment I was lifting Aubrey out of her seat and he said "Oh, two cute children." I politely say "Thank You" and turn back to my business of preparing to enter the store.

Just as I was closing the door, the man began talking to me again. He was apparently parked in front of us in the older, 70 model light green Ford work truck. You know, the ones with tool boxes on the sides. I look in his direction as he begins talking to me and see that he has a bicycle helmet out and is saying something to me to the effect of asking for my help with mechanical stuff because his truck....blah blah blah. That is honestly what I heard, because I could not believe what was happening.

Here I am, holding two young children dressed in mom shorts and an old t-shirt, hair pulled up in a pony tail, no makeup on, and he's attempting to lure me to his truck to ask some mechanical advice! I'm pretty sure I did NOT give off the vibe that I knew anything about cars or how they work.

On a side note, let me just say that I have saved the day in our house before by my random thoughts of how something might get fixed on the vehicle...Randell will probably never admit that, but it's true. ALTHOUGH...I know nothing "technically" about vehicles....period!

So, I again politely, but firmly now say "I won't be able to help you, although there are plenty of HEB employees inside that are men that would be able to help you." I then grab Cooper's hand, turn around and begin walking into the store. I hear him behind me say "I'm sorry to inconvenience you" in a sarcastic tone. At this point I figure that I've blown this guy off and to not worry with him anymore, other than to tell the HEB manager that this guy needs to be watched.

Fast forward to me checking out. The manager that I told about this guy begins bagging my groceries. When she is finished, she says that she will have a bagger walk out with me. I look at her amazed that this guy is still outside and that he's still acting odd. At first I started to decline the bagger....after her insistence though, I agreed and I am glad that I did.

We walk out to see two guys at the this truck, both looking very shady. Appearance is everything in this....these guys screamed CREEPS from the get-go. I load the kids up all the while these guys truck miraculously begins working again (surprise!). The HEB employee and I then look over to the other door to the store and see that 4 managers are watching, even glaring at these guys along with 2 managers at the other door, the one that we had just walked out of. I have to admit that I feel very blessed that this is our regular store because, well, yes.....they knew me! And most of them know that I am a former HEB employee, not that that makes any difference other than that I feel comfortable trusting them in a moment like this.

As I start the vehicle, the managers confront the two men. As I am backing up, the first man who had spoken to me walks over to his side of the truck, glares at me and STARES at the license plate. I'm guessing that the managers made it clear that they were not welcome on their property anymore. I am waiting in the right turn lane to leave the HEB area and head home while the truck pulls into the left lane. After I turn and begin driving, I glance in the mirror to see them abruptly change their direction to follow me. I was able to lose the truck for a bit so I decided to pull into a firestation and see if these guys were coming my way. As I saw them pass in the opposite direction of where I was, I felt myself begin to shake. Thankfully I had lost them. I'm not sure what their intentions were, but I am glad that I never had to find out.

While I drove to switch vehicles with Randell, since we didn't want them to see me in the Tahoo anymore today, just in case, I had a flood of emotions.

HOW DARE someone feel that they have a right to place fear into someone just so they can feel powerful. HOW DARE they come to where I feel safe, comfortable, and secure and take that away just because they are CREEPS! HOW DARE they mess with anyone, let alone a mother of two small children that would die for her child's safety.

I've worked through a lot of emotions today, a big one being FEAR. I know these guys have no clue where I live, but tonight might just be a hard night for me get some sleep because my security has been shaken today.

Please pray for me.

Life is Good and God is Great.


TheRielThing said...

That is creepy Nicole! I'm so glad you're alright and that they weren't able to follow you home. I had a similar thing happen at the beach one day, a man with a bunch of dogs wouldn't stop talking to me and then tried following me home. I didn't sleep for a week. Just pray about it, everything will be alright!

Tabitha said...

That is so scary! I am glad that the HEB employees and managers were so willing to help. I am so sorry that you had to go through that. You were very smart to pull into the fire station to keep yourself and your children safe. I am not sure what I would have done, but I would have been just as scared and freaked out! I pray that you are able to get some sleep tonight and not have to worry about those creeps. ((HUGS))

Stephanie said...

Wow!! That's scary. Good ting God was looking out and there are sme awesome managers at your HEB :) Hope you are/were able to get some restful sleep tongiht. Prayin for ya! Love your blog by the way

AsiaMama said...

Wow!! So sorry to hear this! Sounds like you did the right things. God is so good and is helping you trust Him with your most precious little people. I will pray for you..that you have peaceful and fearless sleep. That you will know His presence and peace in the coming days. Love ya, sister!