Thursday, December 15, 2011

Innocent Crush

It all started this morning.....

"Hey Mommy, I have a new friend at school, she's in the Giraffe class." - Cooper

"Oh really? What's her name?" - Me (since I work there, I get to "spy" and find out who this friend is.)

"Her name is M (shortened of course for her real name)" - Cooper

And that was the depth of the conversation. Fast forward to this morning around 11:30 when I took some extra cookies into where C's class was, along with the Giraffe class. They were sitting there watching a Christmas movie. They could sit anywhere they wanted. I spotted Cooper sitting with some of his friends in the back. It took me a moment before I saw a girl sitting next to him. I asked one of the teachers is that was M....and it was confirmed that it was.

So, I am standing there watching and talking with the teachers a bit when I see her lift her arm and rub his back. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Oh my goodness!!!" I sweet, cute, and innocent all of it was. At one point C turned around and saw me there. I asked him if that was M and he nodded his head yes and smiled a silly, possibly slightly embarrassed, smile. I of course then went to embarrass him some more by giving him a kiss and telling him "I love you." Come on, a moms gotta do what a moms gotta do when another woman comes into her son's life! :)

I then learned how C has been showing off in front of her, she has been asking him to sit next to her when they watch movies, and they say hi to each other when they see each other outside of class.

He made sure that an invitation to his Christmas party for school went home with her....he REALLY wants her there!

Oh, and for those who are concerned.....I know her parents, they are both Texas A&M Alumni....they pass the inspection! :)

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