Sunday, February 5, 2012

Driving Without a Purpose

I'm not gonna lie... I'm rather surprised that I have not had a speeding ticket in over 8 years (watch, tomorrow I'm gonna get a ticket!). That's not to say that I drive recklessly, too fast, or in any way of putting people in danger, but let's face it, I drive with a purpose! It only makes sense that if I'm going to take the time to buckle both kids in the car, making sure they have their drinks and snacks within reach, toys/books/movies to entertain them, and that I have all items necessary for our day's drive to the store, gym, park, school, etc....that I would make sure that I have a PURPOSE for the day.

This is also a good spot to add in that there are days that, well honestly, I'm just not a people least when it comes to their inability to DRIVE. I do NOT have road rage, in fact IF I feel the urge to curse while driving (mind you, with kids in the car), it is a sentence full of "Holy moly, that person is a doe-doe head. Holy SHEEEESH, just DRIVE gosh dang it!"....real effective, huh? Needless to say, the kids are normally rolling with laughter at this point, which then calms me down...they can be great therapy!

Back to the point of this blog. So, it just so happens that I have been driving A LOT! I have had such great opportunities to teach at multiple gyms, enjoying my classes, and becoming a stronger instructor. On Friday for instance I drove probably close to 60 miles total between 3 gyms.

So on Saturday as I was driving to the gym (by myself...and for those who are moms who constantly have kiddos in the car with them, this is like HEAVEN!!! I get to listen to MY music, turn it up, roll the windows down, and act young again....pure bliss!), I ended up between multiple drivers who didn't know which lane to be, or drove SO slow, or were too busy on the phone to pay attention to the light change. In my moment of frustration, I thought....."Wow, it's like they are driving without a purpose."

For some, this sounds wonderful. Such as those that enjoy a Sunday afternoon drive in the Hill Country, apparently I realized this weekend that I am NOT that person! I want to get from point A to point B as quickly as I can. But even in this mindset, it's not always the best place to be.

(Be's about to get serious here!)

So since I was driving by myself and could actually hear myself THINK, I began to correlate this thought to life in general. There are those that wonder through life without a purpose. They get through the day doing a routine or enough to get by and be happy. This is not an awful way to live life, but I can't help but wonder what they could accomplish or experience with a little more "drive." So then there are those, like myself, who drive with a purpose, go quickly, have multiple activities that are unrelated going on within their life. They feel accomplished, determined, stressed, and worn down (at times). While this is also not an awful way to live life, I can't help but wonder what they are missing by not slowing down and enjoying those moments of "relaxation, rest, or down time."

The happy median (pun ABSOLUTELY intended!), where does it lie? Is it at a point where you truly split your time half and half between drive and a slower pace? Is it at a point of deciding what is important, what can wait, and how to challenge your mind and self just a bit more? Is it when you decide which stress is positive and motivating, and which stress is bringing you down emotionally and even physically?

I know that there are times that I just need to slow down. In fact, a friend recognized in me the ability to admit when I am stretched a bit too thin, find out what needs to be "let go" and make the decision for myself. Within the next month, I will be "letting go" of an area of my life. Maybe then I will begin to "slow down" while still Driving With a Purpose!

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