Friday, April 5, 2013

The Strength of a Little Boy

There are many ways that Cooper has been a blessing from God to family, friends, and strangers. His smile can melt your heart, his eyes are big and curious - wanting to learn more, and his gentle voice can calm any storm.  Yes, I'd say Cooper has a special gift of showing compassion, love, encouragement and strength.

Yes, strength!  As a quick recap, Cooper has Congenital Neutropenia which means that his bone marrow does not produce one specific set of white blood cells as it should.  This specific group are the ones that help to fight off illness and infections.  Within the last 2 years, we have been cleared from having to visit the hematologist/oncologist because it seemed as though his bone marrow had begun to work as it should.  During all of the tests and labs, Cooper showed strength, trust, and a calm spirit, which was a great reminder to me every time I saw him showing these traits. 

Mother's Intuition....are you familiar with is?  It is such a powerful tool that I thank God for everyday!  Cooper got strep throat around Christmas time this year.  For most, this would mean a round of antibiotics and some rest and liquids and 10 days later, you're back to normal.  The same rang true a bit for Cooper.  He started antibiotics, which 5 days later woke up with an intense reaction from.  Antibiotics were stopped, and we continued with the rest and liquids.  He got over strep routinely which is a blessing.  Although, he began to complain about his ears, eyes, throat, stomach, and nose on a weekly basis.  Some weeks it was only one of those, some weeks it was multiple ones. About a month later he had another high fever but for some reason, there were no answers. Strep and flu test came back negative.  Must be a virus right?  It could have been....but my mother's intuition began to kick in.  Something didn't feel right. 

But, the fever went away and his energy came back, so we went back to life as usual.  Soon though, low grade fevers began to present themselves, body aches, and sinus/allergy issues.  I decided that tests needed to be run, even if they all came back showing nothing was wrong, at least I could know that everything was okay. 

So, here's what we know.....from his sinus xray, pretty much, he has an intense sinus infections.  Because he's allergic to 3 types of antibiotics, he is on a very high dose of a strong antibiotic. 

We are waiting for results from his CBC and Immune Panel.  Those results should be in on Monday and will help to tell us what his bone marrow and white blood cells are doing. 

His Pedi did find one other concern while we were there.  I don't know much into this area of what she's talking about, so I seem to have more questions than answers.  The Pedi found that he has somewhat of a Bifid Uvula which isn't awful, although it could mean that he has a Submucous Cleft Palate.  These can be overlooked since the palate looks to be intact upon a quick examination.  If he does in fact have a Submucous Cleft Palate, this could mean more frequent sinus infections, ear infections, etc. 

I will learn more next week upon talking in more detail with the Pedi. 

So for now, I sit and relive the emotions and fears of the unknown, the promise and strength from God to watch over my children, and the reminder to not take any moment of my time with my children for granted.  I thank God that my son can play baseball, can run and ride his bike, can learn and obtain information, can love and show compassion.  I thank God that he can laugh and play and enjoy the little things in life.  I thank God that my son can ask questions about Jesus living in his heart and wanting to share his joy for Jesus and love with those that he meets. 

Please pray that:
*His antibiotic does not make him sick to his stomach or that he becomes allergic to it as well. 
*That he is able to hear again, speak clearly, and breath better as the infection leaves
*That the results from his CBC and Immune Panel are clear and that the Dr's will know what the next course of action is, if any is needed at all.
*That answers are given for the palate issue.  That all possibilities are looked at and that a decision can be made together by all parties involved (that would mean, that the Dr's would understand that I don't sit back quietly...I want to be involved in the course of action that is decided on)

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