Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Beautiful You


After having children I truly look at life differently now. I almost laugh at how I used to be concerned with where my clothes came from, if my hair was perfectly straight, or if my clothes fit "just perfectly" to look my best. These days it is more of a miracle if my hair ends up anywhere else besides a pony tail or if even lip gloss is applied during the day.

Isn't it amazing how "wrapped up" in this world we can become to fit the "mold" that society decides. Watching shows like "What Not to Wear" on TLC or "Say Yes to the Dress" on TLC is fun, don't get me wrong, but how is it that we (society) has gotten to a point of being okay with spending $200 on a pair of pants or $6000 on a wedding dress (that's how much my entire wedding + honeymoon cost). It amazes me how society is always trying to keep up with the newest and greatest.

Could this trend be more of a selfish type idea where people always want to stay with the trend to keep eyes on them? Or could it be that people feel more important if they have the newest and greatest "thing"?

I love the song, A More Beautiful You by Jonny Diaz. The song is such a TRUE thought when it comes to who we are, why we were made, and why we are here on earth. What a wonderful place to be in your heart, mind and life. I would like to believe that I am there, although I know there are still things about me that I have not "accepted" yet. My goal is to get there though! I want to experience the true happiness in life, the love for myself, and the love for others just as God intended.

I also hope that I can truly raise my children to love themselves and to not envy the next best thing. Life is not meant to be used for envy and wants, rather to give and be a selfless.

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