Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Quick update....just because

Quick update on us before I get some sleep!

Randell: Work is going well, he was moved back to the division that he really enjoys, so he does not dread work near as much! We have talked about new plans for the future regarding his job, it should be interesting to see where God will lead us.

Me: The kids and I were in a wreck this past Monday. A F150 T-Boned us going about 40 mph. He ran a red light. I'm a bit stiff and will probably go see a chiropractor. The down side to all of this is that the guy acted like he had insurance, even produced a card and everything, but we later got a call that he is not covered! So, it's been an adventure, one that I hope ends in my Tahoe coming back looking as pretty as before!

I am still tutoring and enjoying it. The SAHM's group is also growing like crazy (number wise and friendship wise). I have also been talked into running a "made up" 10K. I say "made up" because one of my close friends literally made it up! We're going to extend it out to all of the Mom groups around us to see if we can get something going. We'll see! So, I'm now training almost everyday for this thing....oh man!

Cooper: Has become even smarter! He is GOOD at persuasion and asking nicely for things that he probably should not have. One of his best phrases is "I weally wish this were mine" or "I weally wish I had a toy like that" while holding a sad puppy face! I can't help but laugh at him!

Aubrey: She is about to crawl! She rocks like CRAZY!!! She's finally in her crib for most of the night, although she is still waking up a lot. She's almost 19 pounds and has thunder thighs! She's not too interested in foods yet, although today she went to town on ritz hopefully we'll skip baby food all together.

Alright, off to bed I go! Posting more to come!

Life is Good, God is Great!

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