Monday, March 15, 2010

Boom Boom Ain't it Great to be CrAzY?

Yes, The Smith family now has a theme song! In fact, even our 2 yr old knows it word for word!

It has become a great stress reliever to sing our wonderful theme song so that I keep from literally going crazy at times. We first noticed that this song would help make Aubrey happy when we were driving in the car. From there on out, we have been using the song as a great distraction.

A little about our crazy life right now.....

The Wreck....
We finally have everything rolling with our insurance company to fix the tahoe. I am actually driving a rental until the END of March! The insurance company has been great though, we have even been able to get new car seats for the kids that the company paid for. My last few things that I need to do are to get to the chiropractor and go to the police to let them know about the guy who hit me.

The Illness...
It started with Aubrey having a cold. Dr. said that it would clear up and it did. Right as it was clearing up, we went to get a few of her shots and had Cooper's temp taken "just because." He had a high fever (how did I not know this?) and turns out had strep throat! That was Thursday....this is Monday, it was a LONG weekend! I'm not good at being stuck in the house...I'm just not. So, we took shifts in leaving the house, or all went out but kept Cooper away from others.

At one point during the weekend, sleep was so hard to come by for Randell and myself that the kids were sleeping on our chests (Cooper on me, Aubrey on Randell) and we walked out of their respected rooms while holding them. It was tempting to have all of us climb into one bed. We couldn't though because when one coughed it would wake up the other. I THINK we got a good nights sleep last night!

The Garden...

It's almost ready for plants! I'm so excited. My great friend, Emily, and her two daughters will be assisting in planting, weeding, and picking the fruits of our labor. Randell has done a great job of getting the plant beds built and ready.

The Crafts....

I've decided to take on the project of making the invitations, decorations, party favors, etc for Cooper's birthday party. Since we are not having the party here, I figure since I won't have to clean the house (YIPPEE!!!), I can focus my attention on getting the crafts put together. I will post pictures I'm sure.

That's it for now. Back to our crazy life!

Life is Good, God is Great!

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