Thursday, February 17, 2011

1st Time Out

So Sweet A had her first time out today. Over the past few weeks she has definitely began testing boundaries in a very small way, but all the same, she is not so keen to listening to "no" being told to her! :)

While we were playing outside this afternoon, she kept running out into the street. For the life of me, I can not remember how we taught Super C to not do this, so I decided to give time out a try. To my surprise, Sweet A handled it fact she was smiling and laughing the whole time. (ugh!)

She sat there so nicely and would look at me (I could only see from the corner of my eye) and then slowly lift herself up. I sat her back down a few times and was greeted with a BIG GRIN (mind you, this was all within about 40 seconds). After the third time of sitting her back down, I went to get her out of time out and while talking to her about why she was in time out, I asked her if she understood (yeah right!) she lifted her shirt and poked her belly button....laughing even more. After a big hug and little dance, she was back at playing.

I would say it was successful! Or at least not a big ordeal....just one more thing that she does that makes us smile.

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