Tuesday, February 15, 2011

And then something to SMILE at!

So, through my emotions today, I laughed a lot! A phrase to sum up my afternoon...

Monkey See....Monkey Do!

Super C and Sweet A have become quite the duo. I have learned that if I want both kids to go upstairs, I just ask Super C to lead them up the stairs and Sweet A will quickly follow. This evening during bath they were practically playing a game of "copy cat." After washing Super C, I went to wash Sweet A and did not have to instruct her on standing up, sitting down, etc....she did the motions just as Super C had done them!

It is awesome to see them slowly enjoy playing together, making themselves laugh, and loving each other. (side note - yes we still have plenty of the "Sweet A is pulling my hair!" or from Sweet A saying "NOOOOOOO!!!") This is a nice glance though at hopefully the friendship and love they will grow to have for each other. I just hope Super C likes being copied for the rest of his life! :)

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