Saturday, January 7, 2012


This blog is intended for me to have a place to put my thoughts, feelings, jokes, etc. It's as if this is my diary that I hide under my mattress at night....BUT, I allow it to be public for everyone to read. So, you don't have to agree or like what I say, but if you choose to read my blog, just know that it is what I WANT to say, and not what I should say to "play it safe."

Okay, that's here it goes.

I have always wanted to "stay in shape." I never really played any sports growing up, I ran cross country for a short while, but just never really stuck with anything. Honestly, I was just thin/skinny because that's how God had made me. Once at Texas A&M, I had the ability to exercise at an amazing Rec Center on campus. I went from time to time, ran a bit here and there, but again was never really stuck in a good routine.

After graduating from college and becoming pregnant with Cooper, I decided to get into a consistent work out routine. So, 4 days a week after work I would head to gym, do some cardio, lift some weights, and do some core training. After both of my pregnancies, I was the heaviest that I had ever been. I look back now at pictures taken right after having Aubrey, and I am amazed at how much my hard work and dedication has paid off.

Deciding to run a half marathon was one of the craziest decisions I had ever made, but in the end, one of the best decisions as well. At the time I could not even finish a mile run without having to stop a few times. I began to question if I could really run 13.1 miles without stopping (which was my goal). But through many early, cold, and LONG morning runs and the dedication of a running partner, along with a drive that I could do it, I met my goal.

Through that journey, my weight from both pregnancies began to fall off of me. It was not easy though. I went through a period where my calves would cramp up immediately after I stopped running, to the point where I would fall to the ground and someone would have to carry me inside. Many mornings all I wanted to do was turn my alarm off after only getting a few hours of sleep that night due to still having a nursing baby waking up at night. There were bitter cold morning runs that made my chest hurt from the cold air...and made me want my bed and warm covers even more. It was not easy, it was tough, it was hard, many times I wanted to stop and give up on my goal.

Looking back now, I am SO GLAD that I never gave up (completely). I worked hard and smart to get myself - body, mind, and endurance - to a level higher than I had imagined.

I want to be someone's inspiration. I want to be encouragement to a mom (new or years down the road into "mommy-hood") who wonders if her body will ever return to it's previous state (fyi - mine has not returned all the way to my pre-preggo body, but that's okay. I'm healthy, fit, and I'm happy!). I want other's to believe that they can do it, even through the tough, rough, and crappy parts. With dedication, hard work, and determination, they can reach a healthy, fit, and strong body.


1 comment:

Naomi Ramsey said...

You are my inspiration. Leading the classes at the gym makes you more then a talking head, or a live video, because you share who You are. Thank you for that:) ~Naomi