Monday, January 9, 2012

My Daughter

That moment when you're standing in line at a crowded store and you smell something, but since you are with your kids (and you're an adult), you choose to not make a big deal about it. Then, your 2 year old daughter puts her hand to her nose and says, VERY LOUDLY.....


Then she looks at each of us (Cooper and myself) and asks (again loudly)

"You toot?"

Cooper replies "It wasn't me!" As he waves his nose with his hand.

I am over there trying really hard to say quietly, it wasn't us, let's just start putting this stuff on the check out belt to attempt to distract her from the smell. She continues on a minute or two more while people begin looking around....I feel sorry for the person who was the guilty party. Apparently my daughter has a keen sense of smell!

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